2) SECTION OF THE POLICY Access control standards for XYZ Health Care information systems needs to be established in a way that will carefully balance some of the restriction capable of preventing unauthorized access while servicing against the need for the unhindered access for legitimate users (Norman Marian Hossa Jersey , 2010). A. System Use Notice Before a user accesses the XYZ Health Care computer, it is a must that a general system use notice gets displayed, through which the user will be welcomed and identify it as a XYX Health Care System, gives warning against unauthorized use of the system while indicating that use of that particular system is an implication to all the relevant XYZ Health Care policies. The general use of the system notice will also be required to be displayed before a user accesses the XYX Health Care System where practical. The use system notice will be required to state the following: Welcome to XYZ Health Care鈥檚 information technology resources. This system can only be accessed by the employees and individuals authorized by XYZ Health Care. Using this system abides the user to abiding by all relevant XYZ Health Care policies. Remote Access The procedures of remote access control need to provide suitable safeguards through the use of suitable identification, authentication Jason Demers Jersey , and encryption techniques. It is not allowed that anyone directly log on to the computers from the health care center. A remote user needs first to authenticate to the authorized remote access from the health care center using a strong encryption (Rouse, 2015). Trust Relationship There is a need for definition, documentation, and approval of the trust relationships for XYZ Health Care centrally managed information or any other system housing confidential data by a suitable authority. It should also be reviewed and revised periodically according to the needs. All the security controls like firewalls need to be carefully configured thus enforcing the trust relationships.
3) ACTUAL POLICY I. PURPOSE For XYZ Health Care, this particular policy helps XYZ Health Care in establishing the Enterprise Access Control Policy for the management of risks ranging from the user account management Michael Grabner Jersey , monitoring, and access enforcement, duties separation, and remote access by establishing an Access Control Program. The access control program will help XYZ Health Care in the implementation of security best practices regarding logical security, management of the account Alex Goligoski Jersey , and remote access (Ferraiolo et al., 1995). II. SCOPE The scope of this specific policy can be applied to all Information Technology (IT) resources fully owned and operated by XYZ Health Care. Any information that XYZ Health Care does not specifically identify and